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Media Hits
CBS58, Where Are the Flying Cars? TV interview with Bill Walsh, 1/17/24
Foreword for book, Careers in Architecture and Beyond, from CareerArchGuide.com 2022
It's Hard to Imagine But What Will Life After CoronaVirus Look Like, BizTimes Milwaukee, March 25, 2020
Becoming a Brain Belt Starts with Smart Collaboration: Working Together Could Power Milwaukee's Future Economy, Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce, Winter 2018
Thinking into Other Boxes by David Zach. Introductory article for Dialogues from the Edge of Practice: AIA-NYC Oculus Magazine, Spring 2015
The Future’s Just Not That Into You by David Zach. Article for Design Intelligence Journal, October 2012
Introductory article for AIA Atlanta’s 2014 guidebook for elementary school students: Discover Architecture
The Future of Architects: short article in Lee Waldrep’s 2014 book: Becoming an Architect (Guide to Careers in Design)
What’s Beneath the Future? Article for AIA-NYC Emerging New York Architects’ 2012 event: The Future Now!
Speakers tell Community Leaders Breakfast that city, state are in need of some changes Decatur Herald & Review, 6 May 2011
Pioneer Growing Point Magazine has an interesting interview with me and two other futurists, Lowell Catlett and Christophe Pelletier, on the future of agriculture and food. Nov/Dec 2011
Learning to Fight the Dragons by David Zach. Lead IT, Paragon Development Systems, Spring 2009
Future Gazing: What is the Future of Cinema? - Screen International, 27 March 2009
Innovations of the Future by Damian Joseph - Business Week, 25 February 2009
20 Most Important Inventions of the Next 10 Years by Damian Joseph - Business Week, 25 February 2009
Time Travel: Change is Coming at Warp Speed These Days. These Badgers Help Us Make the Leap by Nikki Denison - On Wisconsin Badger Alumni Magazine, Winter 2007
Cover story: There Goes the Future, David Zach interview by Dale Ahlquist, President of the American Chesterton Society. Gilbert Magazine, April/May 2008
Think about the Things that are Permanent - GEO Principle blog, 11 August 2009
The Benefits of Smoking and Drinking - GEO Principle blog, 11 August 2009
A Day with Futurist David Zach by Donna Karlin - Fast Company, 11 April 2008
Pennsylvania Inside Out: interview [Note to self: if you're told it's public radio, wear a sport coat anyway because it might just be public TV.] - Penn State Public TV, December 2007
Des Moines Business Record Online, Sustainability, green becoming key words in architectural design, by Sarah Bzdega, 31 March 2007.
What Does the Future Hold? article on 2007 Willett Lectureship at UW-SP by Carlos Gieseken, Stevens Point Journal, 6 February 2007.
Madison 1670AM, On Air with In Business, radio interview by Joan Gilman.
Voice of America, Talk to America, Current Trends and the Future, interview broadcast worldwide on 1 January 2007.
Journal Gazette Times-Courier, Our View: People, not technology, will dictate future, by the JG/T-C Editorial Board, 13 October 2006 (They do a follow-up to the smoking confusion... )
Journal Gazette Times-Courier, Futurist warns: Keep ties, don't lose touch, by Kate Henderson, 6 October 2006 (Note the reader responses of perplexed outrage at a misinterpretation of something I said in my talk in Mattoon, IL!)
Business Today NC, What truths does Kannapolis hold self-evident?, 16 July 2006.
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, History Lost with Fireboat Station, by Whitney Gould, 9 July 2006.
BBCBrazil.com, Relógio e celular substituem dinheiro em Hong Kong, by Marina Wentzel, 26 May 2006. (It's in Portuguese - I wonder what I said!)
Atlanta Journal Constitution, Boomers hit twilight years healthier, wealthier, wiser, by Bob Dart, 11 March 2006
Wausau Daily Herald, Treat your mind like a parachute, futurist advises, by Jocelyn Berkhahn, 19 January 2006.
The Daily Reporter, Milwaukee Futurist David Zach sees people growing apart, by Sean Ryan, 16 January 2006.
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, A School Dr. Dolittle could Love, by Whitney Gould, 15 January 2006.
Janesville Gazette, Futurist: Hang onto the old, by Anna Marie Lux, 1 January 2006.
Capital Region Business Journal (Madison, WI), What to expect in 2006, by Jenny Price, January 2006.
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Crystal balls lack one thing: Clarity, by Rick Romell, 31 December 2005.
Wisconsin Technology Network, The RFID crystal ball: Will the chips eventually talk to us, too?, by David Niles, 2 November 2005.
Osmi dan, RTV Slovenia, a weekly TV show specialized in culture. Interview on the future of design, 20 October 2005
WMCS-AM 1290, The Cassandra McShepard Show: “That’s what I’m talking about,” two-hour interview on future trends, 2 August 2005.
WFHR-AM 1320, Wisconsin Rapids talk radio interview on the topic of small town economic development, 21 July 2005.
EMA Communicator, Back to the Future: Automation, Immigration, Consternation, Grant McGinnis, Winter 2005.
Milwaukee Home Magazine, Art Deco Cool, January/February 2005. (An article about my home and art deco collection.)
ABCNews.com: The Wolf Files, Happy ‘Leave the Office Earlier Day’, by Buck Wolf, 31 May 2005.
MHCA Executive Report, Explain the universe. Give Examples, Fourth Quarter 2004.
Small Business Times, The Future of Elderly Living, Eric Decker, 26 November 2004.
The Site Selection Online Insider, Zach: The Future Isn’t What It Used to Be, Spring 2005.
ABCNews.com: The Wolf Files, Modern Solutions for Very Busy People, Buck Wolf, 2004.
NACEweb, National Assoc of Colleges & Employers, What Does the Future Hold for Job Seekers?
Infection Control Today, “We’re Becoming Experts at “HyperLiving.”
The Tennessean, Unlikely alliances can bring wealth, minority seminar told, by Candace Brooks, 21 August 2003.
Qualified Remodeler Magazine, Future Think by Roger Stanley.
Health Data Management, Triumphs and Pitfalls of New Technology, 22 September 2002.
Small Business Times, The future is overrated, but it's coming, by Rob Greede, 21 June 2002.
OnMilwaukee.Com, Milwaukee Talks with David Zach interviewed by Jeff Sherman, 13 March 2002.
WUWM-FM 89.7 (NPR), At 10 Show, interview on trends since Sept 11, 26 February 2002.
Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, Re-examining ways we view, handle talkby Mary Louise Schumacher 10 February 2002.
Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, Miscommunicating. With so many ways to talk, why is it harder to reach one another? by Mary Louise Schumacher 10 February 2002.
WI Builder, What's the future hold? Forecast 2002, By Ellen Hickok-Wall.
CNN, Interview on what's ahead, Dec 2001.
IAAM, Holographic Visions of Public Assembly Facilities by David Zach Nov-Dec 2001.
GMToday, Cap'n Zach of the 21st Century, by Karen Rasmussen, August 2001
CNN.com, Is dot-com stress worth it? by Brad Shewmake 15 June 2000.
InfoWorld, Start-up stress hinders entrants by Brad Shewmake 9 June 2000.
JobCircle.com, Be Your Own Boss.
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, “Disappearing jobs a harbinger of a new economy,” by Avrum D. Lank, 23 January 2000.
KKYY-TV 22, Little Rock, Arkansas, 4 Jan 2000.
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, “000 my goodness! Can it really be 2000?”; 1 January 2000.
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, “Fears fizzle as celebrations sizzle,” by Rick Romell, 1 January 2000.
Milwaukee Magazine, “Future Tense,” by Mary Van de Kamp Nohl, January, 2000.
Kiplinger's Personal Finance Magazine, The Scoop on Poops, January 2000. (From my book Zachronyms: Funny Words for Funny Times.)
The Rotarian, “Rotarian of the Future” December, 1999.
The Washington Times, “What Millennium holds may be all in one’s mind,” by Stephen Dinan, 29 December 1999.
The Yuma Daily Sun, “Teachers hold the future in their arms,” by Lindsay Cessna, August 11, 1999.
Los Angeles Daily News, “It’s a ZACH attack,” by Phil Davis, May 22, 1999.
USA Today, “The Wide World of Future Sports,” by Gary Mihoces, 19 May 1999. (Of all the places I might be quoted, the USA Today Sports Page is the least likely one.)
The Reader, “Past is the Key: and a little humor will turn the key,” by A.R. Goldyn, Omaha, NE, 8 April 1999.
Naples Daily News, “David Zach, futurist: Know the past to look ahead,” by Clay W. Cone, 8 March 1999.
Credit Union Times, “Futurist describes disappearing boundaries, new challenges, 3 March 1999. The Oregonian, Uncle Edgester’s Top 7 List, “7 New Acronyms,” February 1999.
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, The Bubbler, Andy Warhol was wrong: In the future, you'll have 15 minutes of privacy!, 24 August 1998
ABCNEWS.com, “How to spot a DINKWAD” by Buck Wolf, 8 April 1998.
Marketer, An Owner’s Guide to the Future, by Patti Keating Kahn, February 1997.
Joan Lloyd at Work, 5 trends to help you catch up to the future, 21 August 1994.