Audiences through the years

After over 1500 keynote presentations through North American and Europe, there are a few conclusions that I can make:
My best audiences are away from work. They're there to learn and to relax, perhaps even have fun. My content is filled with conversation starters. It gives people permission to make unexpected connections.
If you're in my audience, prepare to be challenged and to laugh. The future's can be a scary thing, but if you can also laugh at it, then it's not quite as threatening. That gives you more opportunities to find your way forward...
My work isn't to predict the future, which is impossible. But from such frameworks as Fads, Trends & Principles, you can make sense of the differences between the momentary and the eternal – and all the changes and continuities in between.
Academy of Art - Bergen, Norway
American Institute of Architects: CACE, Charlotte, Columbus, Grassroots, FL, IA, IL, KS, KY/IN, LA, Midstate TN, MN, MO, Nexus Mentoring, NC, NE, NJ, NYC, NYS, NV, OK, St. Louis, SAR, SD, VA, WA, WI, WMR
American Institute of Architectural Students
ASID - Milwaukee
Assn of Collegiate Schools of Architecture
Assn of Independent Colleges Art and Design
Assn of University Architects
Bond Events: Arc:Interiors
Bond Events: Arc:US
Brick Industry Assn
CoreNet Global
Council for Identity Management
Council of Educational Facility Planners
Council of Logistics Mgmt
Design Intelligence Summit
Era 05: World Design Congress - Copenhagen
Ewing, Cole, Cherry, Brott
HSF Affiliates
Industrial Design Society of America - Milwaukee
Institute of Real Estate Management
Iowa League of Cities
Iowa Women in Architecture
Iowa State (first year Design Students)
John Laing Homes
Kahler Slater Architects
Landscape Architect Natl Student Conference
Modular Building Institute
National Demolition Assn
Opal Events
Printing Industries of Wisconsin
Prof Photographers of America
R J Griffith Construction
Society for Experiential Graphic Design
Society of Landscape Architects WI Chapter
The Vinyl Institute
Working Landscapes Conference
Schools of Architecture: Boston Architectural College, Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture, NYIT - Old Westbury, Ohio State University, Univ of Michigan, Univ of New Mexico, UNC - Charlotte, UW - Milwaukee
Assn Of College & University Telecomm
Assn of Collegiate Schools of Architecture
Assn of Independent Colleges Art and Design
Assn of School Business Officials
Bevill State Community College
Blackhawk Tech
Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards
Bureau Valley School District
CA League of Middle Schools
CA Firefighters Apprenticeship Program
Campus Televideo
Careers Conference 2005
Case Western Reserve Univ
CASE, District VI
Chautauqua Institution
Chicago Public Schools
Coastline College
College of Lake County
College/Univ Personnel Assn
Des Moines University
Einstein Academy
El Paso Community College
Fox Valley Tech
Fullerton College
Gateway Technical College
Graduate School of Banking
Hartnell College
Illinois Institute of Technology
Indianhead Technical College
Institute of Fiduciary Education
Institute of Management
International Baccalaureate Assn
IA School Boards Assn
IL School Boards Assn
Indian River State College
Irvine Valley College
Ivy Tech
KS School Boards Assn
KY Assn School Administrators
KY School Boards Assn
Maricopa Community Colleges
Marquette University
Mequon-Thiensville Schools
Metropolitan Community College
MI School PR Assn
Midwest Museums Assn
Milwaukee Area Technical College
Milwaukee Public Schools
MN School Boards
MO Center for Career Education
MO School Boards Assn
Monroe WI Public Schools
Moraine Park Technical College
Napa Education Exchange
Natl Assn of Colleges & Employers
Natl School Boards Assn
NJ School Adminstrators
Northcentral Technical College
NYU Alumni Assn
Oak Park-River Hills School District
Orange Coast College
Oregon School for the Deaf
Pegasus School
Penn State - Outreach
Phi Theta Kappa (numerous times)
Proviso Township Schools
Rose Hulman Institute
Special Libraries Assn
School Board, City of Stevens Point, WI
Shedd Aquarium
TX School Boards Assn
Tulari County School District
Univ of Houston-Clear Lake
Univ of South Florida
Univ of WI Quality Initiative
UWM Executive MBA Program
Univ of WI-Stevens Point
Washtenah Community College
Waukesha County Technical College
WI Music Teachers Assn
WI Technical College Board
Abbott Labs
American Assn of Critical-Care Nurses
American Dental Assn
American Health Info Mgmt Assn
Eli Lilly
FL Council on Aging
Healthcare Information Management Assn
Mental Health Corporations of America
MN Health Info Mgmt Assn
MN Healthcare Assn
National Kidney Foundation
PA Home Care Assn
Vantage Health Care
Waukesha Co. Dept of Health and Human Services
WI Dept of Health and Human Services
AK Credit Union League
Assn for Financial Technology
Assn of Govt Accountants
Assn of Military Banks
CA Coast Credit Union
CPA Associates
CUNA Mutual
Dubuque Bank & Trust
Farmers Insurance
First Bank Systems
Fox Cities Credit Unions
General Casualty Insurance
Graduate School of Banking
Hausman Insurance
Hobert & Svoboda
IN Credit Union League
Intl Business Brokers Assn
ME Independent Bankers
Marsh & McLennan
MD Bankers Assn
MA Bankers Assn
MN Bankers Assn
MN Independent Comm Bankers Assn
Monumental Life
National Fraternal Congress
NB Investment Finance Authority
NM Credit Union League
Northwest Education Loan Assn
Northwestern Mutual Life
Sallie Mae
Stafford Trading
Strong Capital Management
Tricom Funding
WI Credit Union League
Adhesive Tape Council
AL Independent Insurance Agents
American Bearing Manufacturers Assn
American Consulting Engineers
American Dental Assn
American Feed Industry Assn
American Soc of Civil Engineers
American Petroleum Institute
Gasket Fabricators Association
Greater Milwaukee Employee Benefits
Heritage Chocolate Society
Human Resources Mgmt Assn
IL Commodities Conference
IL Movers & Warehousemen's Assn
IL Society of Realtors
Industrial Asset Management Council
Institute of Real Estate Management
International Assn of Admin Professionals
International Assn of Holiday Inns
International Assn of Plastics Distributors
International Business Brokers Assn
International Chain Salon Assn
Intl Facility Management Assn
Intl Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans
Intl Paralegal Management Assn
Madison Eastside Business Assn
MAMTC - Kansas
Marcus Evans
The Meat Conference
Meeting Planners Intl (several chapters)
Metro Milw Assn of Commerce
Midwest Food Processors Assn
Milwaukee Press Club Gridiron
National Assn of Colleges & Employers
National Assn of RV Parks
National Assn of Sporting Goods Wholesalers
National Newspaper Assn
National Renderers Assn
NB Press Assn
Nordic Media Festival - Bergen, Norway
Paralegal Management Assn
Portage County Business Expo
Printing Industries of Wisconsin
Prof Photographers of America
Prof Society for Sales & Marketing
Pulp and Paper Assn
Sales and Marketing Execs-Tampa
Self-Storage Assoc of America
Self-Storage Assn-WA
TX Gas Assn
TX Workforce Commission
Tri-County Contractors Assn
Water Environment Federation
Waterfront Center
Western Car Wash Assn
WI Newspaper Assn
AR Governor’s Conference on Tourism
Advanced Government Finance Inst
Greater ABQ Chamber
Idaho Falls Econ Development
Indiana Assoc of Cities and Towns
La Cruces NM Chamber
Manitowoc-Two Rivers Chamber of Commerce
Minnesota Council of Managers
Minnesota Dept of Transportation
Oklahoma National Guard
Professional Developers of Iowa
Rockford IL Chamber
Revitalize Your Downtowns!
Rural 2010
State of South Dakota Bureau Personnel
Greater Tampa Chamber
Texas Workforce Commission
TRI-DEC Econ Development
UW-Stevens Point ROTC
Waukesha Co Dept of Health and Human Services
WI Dept of Health and Human Services
WI Governor's Conference on Tourism
WI Specialty Cheese Institute
American Chesterton Society
American Red Cross
Archdiocese of Milwaukee
Boys and Girls Clubs of America
Dutch Treat Club (NYC literary scene)
Florida Council on Aging
Future Milwaukee
Irish Fest
Jewish Family Services
Junior League of Milwaukee
Leadership Tampa
Leadership Tulsa
Lutheran Social Services
Natl Summit on Entrepreneurship
Panhandle Tiger Bay Club
Rotary Clubs throughout North America & Europe
United Way (numerous chapters)
Abbott Labs
Aetna Realty Investors
Alberta Energy Service Organization
American Express
Automated Business Designs
BizTimes Milwaukee
Booz, Allen, Hamilton
Computer Sciences Corporation
Coldwell Banker
CoreNet Global
Crawford RSG
Cretors Company
Daimler/Chrysler Management Club
Duke Energy
DuPont Agricultural Products
Eli Lilly
Eon US
Grande Cheese
Greenheck Fans
Grinnell Mutual
Harley Davidson
Hausman Insurance
High Industries
Hobert & Svoboda
Holiday Inn
HSF Affliliates
Hughes Space & Communication
Inc. Magazine
J.M. Huber Corporation
John Laing Homes
Kimberly Clark
London Bridge Group
Lucent Technologies
Miller Brewing
Mutual Service Corporation
National Foods
New York Construction News
Newell Office Products
Northwestern Mutual
Oklahoma Gas & Electric
Paragon Development Systems
Performance Datasolutions
Raytheon Management Club
Rockwell Automation
SC Johnson Wax
Straub Distributing
Strong Capital Management
Sun Microsystems
Sylvan Prometrics
Symitar Systems
The Maids
Travel One
WaterStreet Solutions
Waukesha Engine
William Mercer
Williams Gas