Every speaker gets reviews and only the worst speakers always get rave reviews. It's been said by many in the public eye to not believe your reviews, no matter how bad they are, or how good they are. They give you hints, but not truths. No matter, you still have to keep trying to improve your craft and compare yourself only to your past. And, progress is not the result of constant change. It's the result of choosing between what needs to change and what needs stay the same.
Regardless, I have saved a few feedback letters from the many years. My favorites were from my time when I spoke at a lot of schools. One school in particular, Kosciozsko Middle School in Milwaukee, had me regularly speak to 7th and 8th graders. Here are a few of their comments, starting with my favorite comment of all...

Here are few others, who apparently did not fall asleep.
"I would like to thank you again for caring about kids now and in the near future. We really, really appreciate what you've done for us. We will pass on the news to the little ones." Xai X.
"You've really helped me with my future and also made it entertaining. I hope you show other students what you showed me." Kenneth G.
"I want to say thanks for giving me a positive outlook on life and you also helped me realize my different choices in life." Sylvia O.
"I really enjoyed being in there and listening and I wish we could of stayed longer but school is school if you know what I mean." Sam I.
"Your talk on the future was terrific! So many topics were explained. Although I'm still not exactly sure what a futurist must do on the job, I think I want to become one. A question I often asked myself during your talk was if you are psychic, and how you knew the answers to all of our questions." Polly L.
"I had a great time when you were here. I didn't know that you knew so much about the future. I thought my brother knew more because he always talks about the future. Guess I know who knows more now." Le X.
”It is good that you go around and help kids think about the future. If you didn't I would of gave up wanting to be a pilot or a plumber.” Keith S.
"Did your mother believe you were going to be a futurer?" Tammy P.
"I like your speech better than the other ones, because you make us feel we must fight those blocks and beat them before they beat us.” Jose O.
”I really liked your presentations. I do believe that I can achieve & that I am the future." Latoya T.
”Having Mr. Zach come to class was cool, because he helped me make a decision about what I want to be." Chris D.
"The talk gave me something to look forward for in the future. It gave me a reason to be the best and to pursue my dreams." Joedell G.
"I talked to my parents about what you said. They said I should remember what I heard from you." Tou L.