The Future Sure Isn't What It Used To Be

Here’s some of my work as a Futurist and some links to videos of talks as well as a few articles I wrote along the way. This also offers a glimpse into what's now capturing my curiosity. Currently, several friends and I are building out our studio – and for now I’m not interested in speaking gigs – unless your group has way too much money and/or your venue is really cool. Because I don’t have the mental bandwidth to want to figure out the “Contact Me” widget, you’ll need to use the LinkedIn or Instagram icons in the footer - or find/follow me on X. (Also, as far as I know, this website does not track.)

A History with Futuristic Audiences

AIA-FLA Keynote

AIA-FLA Process & Presentation Breakout

AIAS: Putting the Argh! Back into Architect

Fun Thank You Notes from Students

Why this Futurist?


Begun during the pandemic, I’ve created over 5000 buttons (over 600 of them are unique) and have given them all away. These are to audience members as well as leaving them in cafes, bars, on bulletin boards, window sills, and even throughout the Metropolitan Museum of Art. People need to think more and more deeply. Maybe it’s done one button at a time, and this is my small part of the rebellion.

My Random Acts of Philosophy Project

Client Comments

Thinking into Other Boxes


My current adventure is building out a large studio space with several friends. (Last week we even got heat!) Amongst other things, I'm tinkering with some art & design mischief. You can probably find us on Facebook as Nunya Studios.

Studio Nunya in Walker’s Point, MKE

Art Deco Milwaukee

Media Hits

Maybe the Future's Just Not that into You